Handwoven babywraps
Live, love,
wear, rock
Art, craft, fibres & babywearing
In October 2012 my little girl was born, the most perfect baby.
From when she was two weeks old I began wearing her in wraps. We loved it. It was her calm place, where she could fall asleep safely without being all alone in an empty room. The wrap was her quiet place, where warmth, cuddles and my heartbeat were always there.
In the past I have followed art classes, went to school at Sint Lucas in Boxtel and the School of Arts in Tilburg (the Netherlands). Because of my love for fabrics and art I started a weavingcourse with Marian Stubenitsky of the Dutch Weavingschool in July 2013. I wanted to make my own scarfs and wraps, and that is how my wrap weaving journey began.
In the fall of 2013 Rocking Horse Wovens was founded. My aim is weaving high quality wraps with exciting patterns, made with the best yarn available. Only the best Egyptian cotton is used for the warps, and a variety of yarns are used for the weft. I use GOTS dyed cottolin, and animalfriendly locally sourced wool and silk. All the fibres used are sourced within the EU.
The best feeling there is, is when I see babies getting carried in wraps I made.